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dotdotdotcomma F1 News

F1: We apologise for the inconvenience..., by Mathias Olaf Uncertain
26th May 2021

*Tap tap*


Is this thing on?

I'm not sure I really trust speech recognition.

Me neither, mate.

No. Well... OK...

Er... hello everybody. How's things? We, er, we... that is to say, Virgil and I, just thought we ought to let you know that we've just popped out for a spot of lunch...

Er, haven't we...?

Yes, I think we have.

Yes, so, if you could just excuse us...

Yes, do excuse us.

...and we'll be back in a short while...

Won't we?

Oh yes, I should think so.

Yes, so, er, thank you. See you in a bit.

I say, would you like another drink?

Oh, rather.

What would you like?

Oh, I don't know... Hey, waiter! Bring me volume three of the wine list...


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KEY TO SERIES NAMES (hovering over the abbreviations in the table above also shows the full series name)
F1Formula 1
The world's most prominent, most expensive and frequently most tedious single-seater series.